
Somewhere over the rainbow..... I found this outfit on marketplace and wasnt sure how it would look, but after putting it on I love it.. It also comes with boots I believe but I love my N-Cores so I usually wear them with everything.. Hope you like the outfit and its a must buy!

~SKIN~ {Meghindo's} ~ Oana ~ Medium Skin Tone ~
~SHAPE~ Alene Mauer Made
~EYES~ Glam Affair- Stella Eyes 02
~EYELASHES~ {Meghindo's} Lashes ~ N0. 1 Came with the Skin
~HAIR~[e] Thrive - Essentials Collection

~NECKLACE~EarthStones Love Always Set - Diamond/Platinum
~RING~ Bandit Endless Lady Combo ring  diamonds

::Para Designs::  Punked Tattoo (Sleeves Only) ~ Unisex
::Para Designs::  ::Para Designs:: Pink Ribbon Tattoo
 Star Line Tattoo-Maketplace only (link below)
::Para Designs:: Shooting Star Tattoo

~SHOES~ N-core Delicious mesh


Glitterati store is closed inworld but can still get poses off marketplace


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