#118 Pajama Time!

My Secondlife Mom got me these super cute Giraffe Jammies and so I figured Id share them with yall!! You can get you a pair too @ Kustom9 there are I believe 17 different options I will be including a picture at bottom of all the available oness.. My Love Drakon also got me a few I think I got the cow , unicorn and berry bear soo freakin cuteeeeee! So please share and go get yours today!

Hair- [e] Khloe 2 - All Colours point Prize @ The Epiphany
Skin [PF] Harley <Latte> -
slink appliers sold seperately
Eyes- IKON Triumph Eyes - Field
Teeth-  [whatever] Teeth 2.0
Outfit★Sweet Thing. Giraffe PJs @ Kustom9
Shoes-  REIGN. Cozy Slipper Boots (BLACK)- #25 @ 21
Makeup Amacci - Eye Tattoo Divine - 


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