#138 7 Deadly s[K]ins Group Gift
I recently got a new sponsor for my blog and that is 7 Deadly s[K]ins! They make great and High quality skins. I personally have never worn any of their skins till now but I will definitely be wearing them more often. They are very nice. So I decided for my first blog for 7 Deadly s[K]ins I would blog their Group Gift. This Skin is available to Group Members only I believe to join the group is a one time fee of 150L which I mean come on 150L for a skin how can you beat that . You definitely get your moneys worth. So this is the September Gift. Also please remember I do not edit my blog pictures at all as to not alter the actual color or detail of the clothing and skins. So the skin is actually shown as is except the eye makeup I have on and lashes. The body I am wearing Is Maitreya. To see how this skin looks in world check out the YouTube Video below
YouTube: Post #138 7 Deadly s[K]ins
(wearing- Caramel)
(Omega body appliers, Slink hand and feet, Tango & Phatazz, Omega Catwa, Omega LAQ, BANNED booty, Wowmeh)
★Outfit★ erratic / eden - brassiere / lapis (maitreya)
erratic / eden - knickers / lapis (maitreya)
erratic / eden - suspender/stocking / lapis (maitreya)
★Jewelry★ **RE** Precious Nails & Rings - Square - MTB
Amala - The Heart Nose Stud
Eclat - Ari Choker
★Tattoo★ Letis Tattoo :: Nephthys :: MM16005
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