#217 1 Hundred @Dollholic

 Wow! I super love this outfit from 1Hundred at Dollholic. It is super cute and sexy. This event runs from August 18th to September 11th. This outfit is 200L for individual colors and 400L for fatpack. The colors it comes in are Lilac, Lime, Melon, Pink, Sky and White (which is the one I am wearing). Make sure you get over there and get you one. If you are interested in this cute curly hair as well it is at Access from Steathic link below.

HairStealthic - Honey (Full Pack) @Access 

HeadLelutka / HEAD / lel EvoX Avalon Head 3.1

Head and Body BOM Skin-*Birth* 'Una' Lelutka EvoX/BOM - Tone 02

*Birth* 3rd Gen Body Appliers Maitreya - Tone 02

Outfit- 1 Hundred. WAIFU Hottie. White @Dollholic

Tattoos.: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Bloom

BLUEBELL Cute Hands Tattoo

Piercing- **RE** Esprit Belly Piercing Unicorn

My avi is completely BOM layers no appliers. If you see something in the picture is not listed just message me in-world @Alene Mauer and I'll be happy to tell you where it is from and the name of it.


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